
目前分類:學生作品集 (23)

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After-School Jobs

Many students now take after-school jobs that involve working long hours. Some administrators argue that these jobs are tiring for students and make it difficult for them to complete their schoolwork. Others say that paying jobs are good experience for the future.

Write an essay arguing your point of view about whether or not after-school jobs are beneficial for students. Use specific examples and reasons to support your position.

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Everyone has certain skills in which they excel. What is one area in which you excel? Write an essay describing your success and how you achieved it. Be complete and specific in describing how you achieved this success.

Socrates, the famous philosopher in ancient Greek had a saying, “The only thing I know is I do not know anything.” I really love this sentence and take it as my motto. I found my existence is surely very humble in the world because of these words. In this case, I have never thought of me having a spectacular skill or something else. There are definitely many other people stronger than me. And there’s no need for me to be proud of my skills in this situation.
I had been learning German before I graduated from junior high. It was a very special ability to have in Taiwan, because people barely use this language to communicate with each other. At that period, I was once able to be a translator when my family traveled to Europe, and most foreigners were absolutely surprised and shocked to hear a child speak their language like a native speaker. I could even read or write without any problems, just like a German-born-Chinese. However, I have stopped to use this language as I entered senior high. Because of the pressure to advance a higher school, I had no choice but to give up. Fortunately, I didn’t stop learning another tongue, English. I have been learning this International communication tool since I was only three years old. I spent three hours everyday to negotiate with foreign teachers, which established my listening, speaking, reading and writing to be just like a foreign child. I also learned grammar in conversations, phonics, Geography, History and literature, it became really helpful afterward. I could just spend little time memorizing vocabularies and get high scores in school exams. The only thing bothering me is that I often couldn’t understand what the teacher is teaching when he uses Mandarin to explain English grammar. The rules have already settled in my brain and could hardly be forgotten. Though I always have had confidence within my language usage and ability, I still can’t satisfy myself easily. After all I am always a Chinese. English would never become my mother tongue. I could only work harder and harder to be like a native speaker. That is the reason why I kept studying this tongue.

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Peter Pan is the story of a boy who doesn't want to grow up. If you could pick any age to be forever, which age would it be? You can pick an age you have not yet been. Why would you pick that age? Be sure to use examples and details when writing your essay explaining which age you would choose to be and why.

There is one thing that every creature in this world is doing together: getting older. The influence of time can’t be taken away by anything known so far. However, humans have been trying to find the execs to challenge their doomed fate of continuously aging for the effect it brings upon us. It makes us weak and leaves us its dreadful mark. That is the reason why human wants stay young.
As for me, I don’t want to be weak and ugly either. If I could pick any age to be forever, I would pick 20. At the age of 20, it is generally accepted that you are a grown-up, an adult, capable of doing anything that the law allows you to do. For instance, owning a car or a house, drink or get married. Still, people consider 20 a young age. Therefore, if I were able to stay 20, I would be both young and independent. I would be in good physical condition since my evolvement is nearly complete. In my opinion, being 20 years old is being great status.

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People sometimes act one way around their family and another way around their friends. As a result, our family and friends may have very different ideas of what we are like.

Write an essay comparing and contrasting what your family and your friends think you are like. Include several ways that their views are similar and several ways that they are different. Give specific examples to support your points.

How others look us like? Do they consider as in a positive way? How come do these so important? That’s because we have to please others on their ways. The most common issue is that some act differently in front the family and friends. But why do they do so? That’s the main project we discuss about.

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Some high schools are requiring students to follow a dress code. Think about the reasons for instituting dress codes and why they might be needed or necessary.

Write a letter to your principal stating your position for or against a dress code and support it with convincing reasons.

Although others may have convinced you to induce a certain form of dress code upon our school, this policy may, in fact, not have the desired effect as promised. There is no doubt that many are for the dress code, backed by enticing prospects and promising ideals. However, it cannot best the benefits to be had by retaining the current status of having no constraints regarding our clothing, while potentially containing unwanted side effects, such as negative development in behavioral traits, among students.

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One morning a child looks out the window and discovers that a huge castle has appeared overnight. The child rushes outside to the castle and hears strange sounds coming from it. Someone is living in the castle!

The castle door creaks open. The child goes in.

Write a story about who the child meets and what happens inside the castle.

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One morning a child looks out the window and discovers that a huge castle has appeared overnight. The child rushes outside to the castle and hears strange sounds coming from it. Someone is living in the castle!

The castle door creaks open. The child goes in.

Write a story about who the child meets and what happens inside the castle.

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There are moments in everyone's lives when they feel pride and accomplishment after completing a challenging task. These moments can happen in the classroom, on the field, or in their personal lives.

Write a story about one of your proudest moments. Describe the circumstances around the event, and the struggles you had to overcome. Include why that moment was your proudest, and how it affected your life.

Every one has their proudest moment in their life, but every one has a different situation that they feel proudest in their life. However, the moment that you shall think as your proud moment might be a deeply desire in your mind. And, we might probably try for it many times. When the goal you chase for is still far from you, thought you have chased it day after day, have your ever been upset? At this moment, we all expect the achievement goes after the efforts we have done, either and I.

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There are moments in everyone's lives when they feel pride and accomplishment after completing a challenging task. These moments can happen in the classroom, on the field, or in their personal lives.

Write a story about one of your proudest moments. Describe the circumstances around the event, and the struggles you had to overcome. Include why that moment was your proudest, and how it affected your life.

We all have the proudest moment in the world, such as receive an admiration by a lovely guy, win a competition or overcome some hard tasks. These could be anyone’s proud moment, but will not be the proudest moment in my lifetime. My proudest moment is just like that but harder for me to gain.

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Fictional characters from any genre (whether in books, movies, video games, etc.) often prove to be unforgettable. Write an essay about any fictional character that has had an effect on you. Fully describe the character, where you discovered him or her, and the effect he or she has had on you.

Fictional characters have the magical effect on people even though they don't exist in real life. Most of the fictional characters have special talents, an uncommon life or unique thoughts, but we can find something we can learn from them to improve our abilities or lead us to the right way.
Belle, the heroine in "Beauty and the Beast", is the character that has had an effect on me. I first saw Belle is in Disney Channel when I was little. Her beauty and her unique behavior made a deep impression on me. Until now, I still remember the clever, brave, kind girl as well her sense of humanity.

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Fictional characters from any genre (whether in books, movies, video games, etc.) often prove to be unforgettable. Write an essay about any fictional character that has had an effect on you. Fully describe the character, where you discovered him or her, and the effect he or she has had on you.

A fictional character in the books or movies enrich the real world, moreover, we even imitate their behavior because of our admiration on the characters.
“Gone with the wind” is a literary classic written by Margaret Mitchell in 1939. Unlike many leading roles in other stories, Scarlett O’Hara was not a likable character when she made her first appearance. Though there's no doubt that she is clever and charming, readers may still consider Scarlett as an arrogant lady. Always shows up with a bright and colorful dress, her wearing can also regard as a symbol of her strong personality. However, all her behavior is related to her background, a rich family which host Tara village. Everyone spoiled her and let Scarlett became wayward, and also being immature on managing her love world. She desired to win Ashley’s heart, but it was also the persist that ruined the marriage between her and Rhett, her true love.

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Read the following excerpt from a poem by Walt Whitman.

There was a child who went forth every day,
And the first object he look'd upon, that object he became,

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Read the following excerpt from a poem by Walt Whitman.

There was a child who went forth every day,
And the first object he look'd upon, that object he became,

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Think about the goals you have for your future. Write an essay about what you will do to reach your goals, whether that is to be a professional athlete, a famous scientist or a happy Mom or Dad. Tell the story of how you will achieve your goals, being as specific as possible in describing the obstacles and challenges you might face on the road to success.

Everyone should think of what they want to do after graduating from high school. Not only choose a college but a career. Most people may have the goals they want to achieve, such as to be a professional athlete, a famous scientist or a happy Mom or Dad. For me, I want to be a doctor to save people’s lives. The reason I have this goal is because that I don’t like see people in sick, and I hope everyone is always happy. But it isn't easy to achieve owe to there is a great deal of obstacles and challenges I have to face on the road to success: grades, patience, and the morality of the profession.

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Special Place

Most people have a special place where they are most comfortable. For some people this may be a room in their house or a quiet place in the woods, while others may find their peace in less obvious places: on a basketball court, playing an instrument, lost in the fantasy of a good book. Write an essay about your special place. What does it look like, sound like, feel like? Describe as completely as you can this special place so that the reader can appreciate it.

Everyone in the world have a special place that would be the warmest and most comfortable for them. Each tire heart can be comforted there.

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While many students persevere throughout high school, others occasionally become disinterested in what they claim is the "same old routine." What can be done to keep students motivated and keep them focused on their studies? Write an essay in which you describe how to keep things interesting in the classroom in order to keep students motivated.

Students always feel bored after a long-term class time because teachers usually talk about the same thing over and over again. Hence students begin to lose their enthusiasm for studying. As a result, this vicious circle will last until the course ends up.

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Suppose you woke up and found out that you had become a super hero for a day. What happened? What powers did you have? What did you do? Write a story about your day. Be creative!

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Suppose you woke up and found out that you had become a super hero for a day. What happened? What powers did you have? What did you do? Write a story about your day. Be creative!


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While some students may enjoy school more than others, all students have certainly had memorable days at school. Whether the day was positive (passing a test, a victory at the big game, a successful opening of a show) or negative (a friend moving away, a favorite teacher retiring), surely some day in every student's career stands out more than the others. Write a story about your most memorable day, including exactly what happened and why the day was so unforgettable for you. Be as specific as possible in relaying why this day was so important.

Everyone would have a memorable school in his senior high school life. The memorable school day was the day that our class 113 entering the final basketball game in my senior school. Others always thought that our class will be the loser in every kind of contest. Happily, we not only won the game but also won a lot. This was a memorable thing that shown everyone our united. I would not forget this memorable school day forever.

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Some have said that music not only entertains people but also influences their thinking and behavior.

To what extent do you think music has the power to influence as well as to entertain people? Support your views with reasons or examples from your reading, observations, or experience.

Music is basically consisted of two parts; one is the melody while the other one is the lyrics. Since nobody can live without the music, why it can always attract people’s attention, along with can settle so much influential motivation upon us becomes the important question within our lives. By dividing the melody and the lyrics into two sections to discuss with, the following two paragraphs use different points of views toward answering questions above. Hope they can rather clear up its mysterious.

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