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Charlie The UniCharlie The Unicorn (posted on Youtube by SecretAgentBob (Brent Robinson) among many others, originally gswanson17) is the twenty-eighth most watched video of all time on YouTube, and the seventh most watched in the "Comedy" category. It is also the fifteenth most favorited video on YouTube, and the fourth most favorited in the "Comedy" category. The video was created, animated and voiced by Jason Steele of Filmcow.com. Though it is theorized that it was originally made by TypeQueen as a flash animation for Newgrounds, it was actually made by Jason of filmcow for TypeQueen who later put it on newgrounds under his own name. Later on it was posted on Youtube where it became a hit with over 23 million views and over 257,750 favorites. You can now find it either on his website filmcow.com or under his youtube account "SecretAgentBob".
The video has now gained over 32 million views on YouTube alone.
The video follows the story of Charlie, a lethargic unicorn who is reluctant to travel to "Candy Mountain" with his two friends. His resistance may be justified as he finds an unpleasant surprise when they finally arrive at Candy Mountain.
獨角獸查理因為ㄠ不過兩個朋友,所以只好同行前往"Candy Mountain"。沒想到獨角獸查理卻遭逢不幸。