









減重        lose weight      

節食        go on a diet     

摺疊式腳踏車(小摺)        folding bikes    

越野單車        mountain bikes 

在最近幾年之中    in recent years         

大受歡迎        gain popularity 

騎腳踏車        ride a bike       

保持身體健康        keep fit     /  stay in good shape      

河濱自行車道        river bank cycleways       

休閒活動                recreational activities

接近大自然            be close to the nature       

放鬆心情                light up your mood   

放慢生活步調        live at a slower pace

加強心肺功能        strengthen the heart and lungs

釋放課業的壓力    release pressure from schoolwork    






原住民            aborigines

民俗節慶        folk festivals

熱情好客        hospitality

親切慷慨        kindness and generosity

文化多樣性    cultural diversity

在地的珍饈美食    local delicacies

中西文化融合        mixture of eastern and western cultures

玉山                Mt. Jade

太魯閣            Taroko Gorge

壯觀的 / 令人驚嘆的景色   spectacular / breath-taking scenery

珍珠奶茶        pearl milk tea

夜市                night markets

廟宇                temples

布袋戲            glove puppetry

紀念品            souvenirs



高中快畢業了,短短的三年你最想感謝的人是誰?你的同學?你的老師?或是某個曾經幫助過你的人?請以”I Thank You”為題,寫一篇約120個字詞(words)的英文作文,描寫你最想感謝的人做過的一件令你印象深刻的事,以及他(她)所帶給你的影響。



對某人感到感激            feel grateful for sb.

我非常感激…                I greatly appreciate that …

及時的幫助                    timely help

鼓勵的話語                    encouraging words

經濟上的援助                financial supports

解決難題                        solve a difficult problem

善意                                good intentions

對我有很深遠的影響    have a profound influence on me

(影響)深遠的            far-reaching

回報某人的善意            repay sb’s kindness

憂鬱與不安                    depression and disturbance

苦難的遭遇                    sufferings

陪伴我度過最黑暗的時期    accompany me through the darkest moments of my life

看事物的光明面            look at the bright side of life

換一個角度來看待人生        look at life from a different perspective



運動的好處多多,在課業及考試的沉重壓力之下,你是如何看待運動這件事呢?請以”Exercise and I”為題,寫一篇約120個字詞(words)的英文作文。第一段描寫你最喜歡的運動項目,第二段則說明運動給你的幫助有哪些?



運動                                exercise / workouts

激烈的/舒緩的運動       intense / light exercise

保持身體健康                keep fit     /       stay in good shape   

上健身房                        go to the gym

打羽毛球/排球               play badminton / volleyball

跑步機                            treadmill

上有氧運動課                join an aerobics class

舉重                                lift weights

規律地                            regularly

加強心肺功能                strengthen the heart and lungs

暖身                                warm up

受傷                                get injured

保持活力充沛                keep energetic

感覺筋疲力竭                feel worn out / exhausted

紓解壓力                        release pressure



你常常幫忙做家事嗎?你覺得做家事是誰的責任呢?請以”Doing the House Chores”為題,寫一篇約120個字詞(words)的英文作文。第一段敘述你對於做家事的看法,第二段則說明做家事有哪些好處?



把房間收拾好        tidy my room up

洗碗                do the dishes

洗衣服            do the laundry

倒垃圾            take out the garbage

拖地                mop the floor

摺衣服            fold the clothes

曬衣服            sun dry the clothes

換被套            change the blanket cover

分擔家務事    share the household chores

...負責任    take responsibility for …

學習獨立        learn to be independent

維持環境整潔        keep the surroundings neat and in order

達到運動的效果    achieve the effects of taking exercise




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