我們班學生有一位TOEFL iBT考107(滿分120)的同學,選擇題就只錯一題,而這一題也被一些老師反應是有疑義的,
100 學測英文考科試題或答案之反映意見回覆
On March 23, 1999, the musical MAMMA MIA! made its first public appearance in London. It
21 the kind of welcome it has been getting ever since. The audience went wild. They were literally out
of their seats and singing and dancing in the aisles.
MAMMA MIA! has become a 22 entertainment phenomenon. More than 30 million people all
over the world have fallen in love with the characters, the story and the music. The musical has been
performed in more than nine languages, with more productions than any 23 musical. Its worldwide
popularity is mainly due to its theme music, which showcases ABBA’s timeless songs in a fresh and vital
way 24 retains the essence of both pop music and good musical theater. It has 25 so many
people that a film version was also made. To no one’s surprise, it has enjoyed similar popularity.
21. (A) is given (B) was given (C) has given (D) had given
本題主要評量考生是否掌握動詞時態的能力。作答線索為上一個子句On March 23,
1999, the musical MAMMA MIA! made its first public appearance in London。根據上下文意,
此處It 所指的是MAMMA MIA!音樂劇,第一次公演即「受到歡迎」,受歡迎一詞是需要使
用被動式,和本句後半句it has been getting ever since 相呼應,故正答選項為(B)無誤。(如
果文中It 改用The audience 替代,才有可能用主動。)
41-44 為題組
There is a long-held belief that when meeting someone, the more eye contact we have with the
person, the better. The result is an unfortunate tendency for people making initial contact—in a job
interview, for example—to stare fixedly at the other individual. However, this behavior is likely to make
the interviewer feel very uncomfortable. Most of us are comfortable with eye contact lasting a few
seconds. But eye contact which persists longer than that can make us nervous.
Another widely accepted belief is that powerful people in a society—often men—show their
dominance over others by touching them in a variety of ways. In fact, research shows that in almost all
cases, lower-status people initiate touch. Women also initiate touch more often than men do.
The belief that rapid speech and lying go together is also widespread and enduring. We react
strongly—and suspiciously—to fast talk. However, the opposite is a greater cause for suspicion. Speech
that is slow, because it is laced with pauses or errors, is a more reliable indicator of lying than the
44. What is the main idea of the passage?
(A) People have an instinct for interpreting non-verbal communication.
(B) We should not judge the intention of a person by his body language.
(C) A good knowledge of body language is essential for successful communication.
(D) Common beliefs about verbal and non-verbal communication are not always correct.
本題主要評量考生是否掌握文章重點主旨。作答線索在於各段主題句中之a long-held
belief、widely accepted belief、the belief,以及各轉折詞but、in fact、however 等。根據選
45-48 為題組
It is easy for us to tell our friends from our enemies. But can other animals do the same? Elephants
can! They can use their sense of vision and smell to tell the difference between people who pose a threat
and those who do not.
In Kenya, researchers found that elephants react differently to clothing worn by men of the Maasai
and Kamba ethnic groups. Young Maasai men spear animals and thus pose a threat to elephants; Kamba
men are mainly farmers and are not a danger to elephants.
In an experiment conducted by animal scientists, elephants were first presented with clean clothing
or clothing that had been worn for five days by either a Maasai or a Kamba man. When the elephants
detected the smell of clothing worn by a Maasai man, they moved away from the smell faster and took
longer to relax than when they detected the smells of either clothing worn by Kamba men or clothing that
had not been worn at all.
Garment color also plays a role, though in a different way. In the same study, when the elephants saw
red clothing not worn before, they reacted angrily, as red is typically worn by Maasai men. Rather than
running away as they did with the smell, the elephants acted aggressively toward the red clothing.
The researchers believe that the elephants’ emotional reactions are due to their different
interpretations of the smells and the sights. Smelling a potential danger means that a threat is nearby and
the best thing to do is run away and hide. Seeing a potential threat without its smell means that risk is low.
Therefore, instead of showing fear and running away, the elephants express their anger and become
48. What can be inferred about the elephant’s behavior from this passage?
(A) Elephants learn from their experiences.
(B) Elephants have sharper sense of smell than sight.
(C) Elephants are more intelligent than other animals.
(D) Elephants tend to attack rather than escape when in danger.
49-52 為題組
It was something she had dreamed of since she was five. Finally, after years of training and intensive
workouts, Deborah Duffey was going to compete in her first high school basketball game. The goals of
becoming an outstanding player and playing college ball were never far from Deborah’s mind.
The game was against Mills High School. With 1:42 minutes left in the game, Deborah’s team led by
one point. A player of Mills had possession of the ball, and Deborah ran to guard against her. As Deborah
shuffled sideways to block the player, her knee went out and she collapsed on the court in burning pain.
Just like that, Deborah’s season was over.
After suffering the bad injury, Deborah found that, for the first time in her life, she was in a situation
beyond her control. Game after game, she could do nothing but sit on the sidelines watching others play
the game that she loved so much.
Injuries limited Deborah’s time on the court as she hurt her knees three more times in the next five
years. She had to spend countless hours in a physical therapy clinic to receive treatment. Her frequent
visits there gave her a passion and respect for the profession. And Deborah began to see a new light in her
Currently a senior in college, Deborah focuses on pursuing a degree in physical therapy. After she
graduates, Deborah plans to use her knowledge to educate people how to best take care of their bodies
and cope with the feelings of hopelessness that she remembers so well.
50. How did Deborah feel when she first hurt her knee?
(A) Excited.
(B) Confused.
(C) Ashamed.
(D) Disappointed.
1. 選項(B)應為合理答案。
2. 選項(C)應為合理答案。
season was over、第三段she was in a situation beyond her control. Game after game, she could
do nothing but sit on the sidelines watching others play the game that she loved so much 及最後
一段的最後一句the feelings of hopelessness,說明了主角的失望之情,並非困惑(confused)
49-52 為題組
It was something she had dreamed of since she was five. Finally, after years of training and intensive
workouts, Deborah Duffey was going to compete in her first high school basketball game. The goals of
becoming an outstanding player and playing college ball were never far from Deborah’s mind.
The game was against Mills High School. With 1:42 minutes left in the game, Deborah’s team led by
one point. A player of Mills had possession of the ball, and Deborah ran to guard against her. As Deborah
shuffled sideways to block the player, her knee went out and she collapsed on the court in burning pain.
Just like that, Deborah’s season was over.
After suffering the bad injury, Deborah found that, for the first time in her life, she was in a situation
beyond her control. Game after game, she could do nothing but sit on the sidelines watching others play
the game that she loved so much.
Injuries limited Deborah’s time on the court as she hurt her knees three more times in the next five
years. She had to spend countless hours in a physical therapy clinic to receive treatment. Her frequent
visits there gave her a passion and respect for the profession. And Deborah began to see a new light in her
Currently a senior in college, Deborah focuses on pursuing a degree in physical therapy. After she
graduates, Deborah plans to use her knowledge to educate people how to best take care of their bodies
and cope with the feelings of hopelessness that she remembers so well.
52. What was the new light that Deborah saw in her life?
(A) To help people take care of their bodies.
(B) To become a teacher of Physical Education.
(C) To become an outstanding basketball player.
(D) To receive treatment in a physical therapy office.
1. 選項(A)之文字有瑕疵。
2. 選項(B)應為合理答案。
1. 本題主要評量考生是否掌握文章細節的能力,作答線索主要在第四段末與第五段。根據
Longman Dictionary 對於educate 的解釋為:to give someone information about a particular
subject, or to show people a better way to do something。因此,選項(A)在語意上並無不妥,
2. 根據選文內容最後一段的第一句:…, Deborah focuses on pursuing a degree in physical
therapy 即可知道,主角想當的是物理治療師而非體育老師,故選項(B)並非正答。
53-56 為題組
Redwood trees are the tallest plants on the earth, reaching heights of up to 100 meters. They are also
known for their longevity, typically 500 to 1000 years, but sometimes more than 2000 years. A hundred
million years ago, in the age of dinosaurs, redwoods were common in the forests of a much more moist
and tropical North America. As the climate became drier and colder, they retreated to a narrow strip along
the Pacific coast of Northern California.
The trunk of redwood trees is very stout and usually forms a single straight column. It is covered
with a beautiful soft, spongy bark. This bark can be pretty thick, well over two feet in the more mature
trees. It gives the older trees a certain kind of protection from insects, but the main benefit is that it keeps
the center of the tree intact from moderate forest fires because of its thickness. This fire resistant quality
explains why the giant redwood grows to live that long. While most other types of trees are destroyed by
forest fires, the giant redwood actually prospers because of them. Moderate fires will clear the ground of
competing plant life, and the rising heat dries and opens the ripe cones of the redwood, releasing many
thousands of seeds onto the ground below.
New trees are often produced from sprouts, little baby trees, which form at the base of the trunk.
These sprouts grow slowly, nourished by the root system of the “mother” tree. When the main tree dies,
the sprouts are then free to grow as full trees, forming a “fairy ring” of trees around the initial tree. These
trees, in turn, may give rise to more sprouts, and the cycle continues.
54. What does a “fairy ring” in the last paragraph refer to?
(A) Circled tree trunks.
(B) Connected root systems.
(C) Insect holes around an old tree.
(D) Young trees surrounding a mature tree.
1. 選項(D)文字有瑕疵。
2. 選項(A)應為合理答案。
3. 選項(C)應為合理答案。
1. 根據最後一段的內容,the sprouts 的意思即是young trees,而the main tree 可解說成the
mature tree(第二段)、the “mother” tree 或者是the initial tree(最後一段)。本題的作答
線索是在the sprouts are then free to grow as full trees, forming …of trees around the initial
tree,因此選項(D)中的mature tree 並未有用字不妥之虞。
2. 根據本篇選文最後一段,the sprouts are then free to grow as full trees, forming …of trees
around the initial tree,即可判斷選項(D)為正答;雖然 “ring”一詞有 “to surround
3. 根據第二段與第三段的內容,尤其是第三段第三句,內容並未提及老樹的樹幹有很多昆
二、英文作文( 占2 0 分)