
目前分類:學生作品集 (23)

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Some have said that music not only entertains people but also influences their thinking and behavior.

To what extent do you think music has the power to influence as well as to entertain people? Support your views with reasons or examples from your reading, observations, or experience.

In our daily life music is just like an air living in our life so commonly. Wherever we go, even we go to the foreign country there are still some rhythm with different languages. Virtually, we, the people cannot live without music. But why do we always need some melodies around our surroundings? If there is no ring music in our cell phone, how can we know that we have a call? From this simple example, we can see that we never thought of the value of music because it lives in our life so naturally, and even so comfortably. However, people are a sensitive animal we need different kinds of music to relieve our changeable mind.

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題目是: "If I were a genius of invention,I would invent a device ..."

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A Foreign City I Would Like To Travel Most

    Traveling is always charming, and the foreign city I would like to travel most is Shang-hai, the biggest harbor and the most prosperous city in China. I love Shang-hai because it gives me a lot of illusion about its modern and old buildings. Due to the highly-developed history, Shang-hai has played an important role in Asia, and the foreigners also left lots of ancient buildings there. Visiting the city offers visitors to see the different views between the east and west of Huang Pou River.

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