有名的脫口秀主持人"Larry King",訪問了"貓"劇的女主角"Elaine Paige"。
因為最近有一個出名的英國大嬸"Susan Boyle"在英國的才藝節目"Britain's Got Talent",唱了一首令人刮目相看的歌曲。
大家都說她的聲音很像Elaine Paige,而且大嬸的偶像正是Elaine。所以這一下子,沉潛已久的女歌手,又被大家拿出來討論,紛紛應邀許多談話性節目。
Larry King's questions for Elaine Paige:
1. Were you watching the show?
2. How many people have contacted you?
3. Do you think she sounds like you?
4. Should her looks matter?
5. Would you disagree with people who would want to make her over?
6. Would you do a concert tour with Susan?
7. If we can teach her to act, she is certainly made for the stage. Don't you think?
8. Are you gonna put her on your radio show?
Questions to be answered:
1. Who is Elaine Paige?
2. Who is Susan Boyle?
3. Why would Susan Boyle mention Elaine Paige in the “Britain’s Got Talent” program?
4. Does Elaine think there is any similarity between her voice and Susan’s?
5. What does Elaine think about people’s making over of Susan’s appearance?
6. What does Elaine plan to do afterwards?