1These days, email, which is short for electronic mail, is a huge part of our everyday lives. 2But it may surprise you to know that the history of email goes back a lot further than the great Internet boom of the early to mid nineties. 3Electronic mail actually predates the Internet itself, and in part inspired how the Internet was created.
4People first began to send electronic mail way back in 1965. 5Back then, email systems required that multiple users log in to the same host computer at the same time. 6Only then could they send information back and forth. 7This system has certainly come a long way since those early days.
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Column 2
1Ever since the suffrage movement of the early 20th century, women around the world have striven to gain equal footing with men. 2By and large, they have succeeded in many areas, challenging the traditional role of a woman as a homemaker, and seeing their salaries rise to be almost on par with those of their male counterparts. 3But practices that some see as being archaic relics, such as paying a bride price, still exist. 4According to this custom, the groom must give a certain amount of money or property to the parents of the bride in order to be granted permission to marry her. 5Though this practice has its supporters, some women’s rights groups contend that it reduces women to the level of mere property to be bought and sold. (130)
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TOEIC Bridge 在考試的內容複雜性及深度上都較TOEIC 來的要淺易的多,所以非常適合初學或是中等程度的英文學習者來檢視自己學習英文的成果。然而考試的結果與學習的目標是環環相扣的,換句話說,透過準備TOEIC Bridge 的過程來嘗試在TOEIC Bridge中得到高分,正是增進自己英文能力的好方法之ㄧ。
雖然TOEIC Bridge的考試題目只包含了「聽力」與「閱讀」兩部份,但是英文學習本來就包括了「聽」、「說」、「讀」、和「寫」四種能力。因此要增進英文能力不可能只片面地強調「聽力」與「閱讀」的能力,必須全面性地從四種能力提升來下手。
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House MD
Episode 1, Season 3 “Meaning” Date: 5/6
A paralyzed husband and father living with brain cancer, drives his wheelchair into a pool at a family BBQ. Everyone, but his son, thinks that it was suicide from the pain, but Dr. House will stop at nothing to figure out his true ailment. At the same time, House and staff deal with another baffling paralysis case involving a young woman who, although paralyzed below the neck, can still feel pain and touch.
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Three’s Company
Episode 4, Season 2 Date: 3/11
A conflict over lack of privacy comes to a head after Janet brings home a boyfriend, and roommates Jack and Chrissy have to cool their heels at the Regle Beagle pub. Jack goes to the pub where the trio's landlord, Stanley Roper and his wife also are spending the evening, and makes a date with a beautiful girl, Veronica. Janet is furious when Jack and Chrissy choose an inopportune moment to barge into the apartment where she is entertaining her date, Alex. Later, Jack gets Janet and Chrissy to agree to an "unbreakable rule" on taking turns using the apartment privately. Jack soon regrets this rule when Veronica calls to change their date night.
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Three’s Company
Episode 6, Season 1 Date: 3/4
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這學期高一跨班選修我開了"看影集學英文"的課程。光聽標題就很有趣,但準備起來也是要煞費一 番功夫。
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Here's your report format. There are three pages for your book report.
You'll have to hand in your assignment by this Wednesday.
Page 1.
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前些日子南一的課本上到了Robert Frost 的英詩:The Road Not Taken
(By the way,還挺佩服南一的選課,在第三冊的第十一課選了"羅斯福"總統的演講稿"The Four Freedoms",這一課雖然不簡單,卻是很棒的一課,有許多地方老師可以自行發揮。)
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Baby Elephant
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(adapted from http://www.wikihow.com/Lose-Weight-Fast)
Coach Kendra’s 10 Tips for Eating Out
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主演"熱舞十七"和"第六感生死戀"的男主角Patrick Swayze,在周一因為胰臟癌過世。以下的影音資料擷取於"Associated Press"對他的報導,這段資料可以用來做聽力及閱讀理解的課堂教學。
如果聽不太懂裡面的報導,可以參考下面這篇來自China Post的新聞,內容大致與上面的記者報導相同,讀完文稿之後再聽一次,應該可以了解許多內容。
Publicist: Patrick Swayze dies at 57
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