

(以下文章節錄自The China Post)

Canada’s globe-trotting circus group “Cirque du Soleil” finalized an agreement with Taipei City where its debut performance in Taipei would take place early next year, announced Jacques Cartier, vice president of the group.

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以下文章節錄自Taipei Times,我設計了幾個閱讀測驗的題目,一方面讓學生了解時事英文,另一方面能訓練閱讀的技巧。

The melamine scare widens as the chemical has been found not only in instant coffee, milk tea, puddings, chicken-and-corn soup and ready-to-serve packs of healthy grain drinks, but also in cheese powder packs offered by a local pizza franchise.


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A Foreign City I Would Like To Travel Most

    Traveling is always charming, and the foreign city I would like to travel most is Shang-hai, the biggest harbor and the most prosperous city in China. I love Shang-hai because it gives me a lot of illusion about its modern and old buildings. Due to the highly-developed history, Shang-hai has played an important role in Asia, and the foreigners also left lots of ancient buildings there. Visiting the city offers visitors to see the different views between the east and west of Huang Pou River.

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A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.

--- Henry Adams

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